Upgrading the Anjuna Nitro Runtime
If you installed a previous version of the Anjuna Nitro Runtime, you must remove the previous version of the software.
If you have just installed the Anjuna Nitro Runtime for the first time, you can skip to the next section. |
Stop existing AWS Nitro Enclave
Run the following command to terminate any running enclave:
$ anjuna-nitro-cli terminate-enclave --all
Stop Anjuna Nitro Runtime Services
Run the following command to terminate the Anjuna Nitro Network Proxy:
$ pkill -f anjuna-nitro-netd-parent
If you are using a block
persistent volume mount, terminate DRBD:
$ /opt/anjuna/nitro/drbd/parent-drbd-setup.sh --stop
If you are using a basic
bind mount, terminate anjuna-fs-proxy
$ pkill -f anjuna-fs-proxy
Delete the Anjuna Nitro Runtime and Get the Upgraded Installer
$ sudo rm -rf /opt/anjuna/nitro
Access the Anjuna Resource Center to get the Anjuna Nitro Runtime — anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.34.0002.tar.gz
Install the Anjuna Nitro Runtime
Extract the tools into /opt/anjuna/nitro
allow anjuna-nitro-netd-parent
to bind on privileged ports:
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/anjuna/nitro
$ sudo tar -xvoz -C /opt/anjuna/nitro -f anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.34.0002.tar.gz
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /opt/anjuna/nitro/bin/anjuna-nitro-netd-parent