Upgrading the Anjuna Nitro Runtime

If you installed a previous version of the Anjuna Nitro Runtime, you must remove the previous version of the software.

Stop existing AWS Nitro Enclave

Run the following command to terminate any running enclave:

$ anjuna-nitro-cli terminate-enclave --all

Stop Anjuna Nitro Runtime Services

Run the following command to terminate the Anjuna Nitro Network proxy:

$ pkill -f anjuna-nitro-netd-parent

Delete the Anjuna Nitro Runtime and Get the Upgraded Installer

$ sudo rm -rf /opt/anjuna/nitro/*

Access the Anjuna Resource Center to get the Anjuna Nitro Runtime  —  anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.28.0004.tar.gz

Install the Anjuna Nitro Runtime

Extract the tools into /opt/anjuna/nitro:

$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/anjuna/nitro
$ sudo tar -xvoz -C /opt/anjuna/nitro -f anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.28.0004.tar.gz

Set up the environment variables

$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/anjuna/nitro/bin

To make sure that this environment variable is always defined properly, add the line above to your ~/.bash_profile, which ensures that it is defined automatically every time you log in.