Upgrading the Anjuna Nitro Runtime
If you installed a previous version of the Anjuna Nitro Runtime, you must remove the previous version of the software.
Stop existing AWS Nitro Enclave
Run the following command to terminate any running enclave:
$ anjuna-nitro-cli terminate-enclave --all
Stop Anjuna Nitro Runtime Services
Run the following command to terminate the Anjuna Nitro Network Proxy:
$ pkill -f anjuna-nitro-netd-parent
If you are using a block
persistent volume mount, terminate DRBD:
$ /opt/anjuna/nitro/drbd/parent-drbd-setup.sh --stop
If you are using a basic
bind mount, terminate anjuna-fs-proxy
$ pkill -f anjuna-fs-proxy
Delete the Anjuna Nitro Runtime and Get the Upgraded Installer
$ sudo rm -rf /opt/anjuna/nitro
Access the Anjuna Resource Center to get the Anjuna Nitro Runtime — anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.32.0001.tar.gz
Install the Anjuna Nitro Runtime
Extract the tools into /opt/anjuna/nitro
allow anjuna-nitro-netd-parent
to bind on privileged ports:
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/anjuna/nitro
$ sudo tar -xvoz -C /opt/anjuna/nitro -f anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.32.0001.tar.gz
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /opt/anjuna/nitro/bin/anjuna-nitro-netd-parent