Upgrading the Anjuna Nitro Runtime
If you installed a previous version of the Anjuna Nitro Runtime, you must remove the previous version of the software.
Stop existing Nitro Enclave
Run the following command to terminate any running enclave:
anjuna-nitro-cli terminate-enclave --all
Stop Anjuna Nitro Runtime Services
Run the following command to terminate the Anjuna Nitro Network proxy:
pkill -f anjuna-nitro-userspace-netd-parent
Delete the Anjuna Nitro Runtime
sudo rm -rf /opt/anjuna/nitro/*
You can download the archive containing the Anjuna Nitro Runtime using the following command:
$ wget https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/anjuna-security.nitro/release-1.19/0001/anjuna-nitro-runtime.1.19.0001.tar.gz