Upgrading the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset

Follow these procedures when you need to upgrade the toolset.

To upgrade the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset, first download the desired version of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset tarfile from the Anjuna Resource Center.

Tearing down resources

Change your working directory to the "anjuna-tools" directory of your previous version of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset deployment:

$ cd [previous deployment dir]/anjuna-tools

If you used Helm to deploy your older version of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset, follow the Helm Tear Down instructions in the Tearing Down the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset section.
Otherwise, follow the Manual Tear Down instructions in the Tearing Down the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset section.

Do not delete the K8s TLS secret as instructed as the first step under the Tearing Down the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset section; only follow the steps under the Helm Tear Down or Manual Tear Down headings.

Upgrading procedure

Change your directory to the directory containing the newer version of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset tarfile.

Follow the Prepare the Workspace instructions in the Preparing the Environment section.

Follow the instructions in the Creating Anjuna Docker Images section.

Copy the "webhook-tls" directory, containing the Anjuna Nitro Webhook TLS certificate and key, from the "anjuna-tools" directory of your previous version of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset deployment to the "anjuna-tools" directory of the new version of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset deployment:

$ cp -r \
      [old deployment dir]/anjuna-tools/webhook-tls \

Create an environment variable to store a base64-encoded version of the CA certificate:

$ export CA_BUNDLE=$(cat webhook-tls/caBundle.txt)

If you wish to use Helm, follow the Helm Deployment instructions in the Configuring the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset section.
Otherwise, follow the Manual Deployment instructions in the Configuring the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset section.

Follow the instructions in the Deploying the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset section.