Tearing Down the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset
Follow this section to tear down all of your Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset resources before an upgrade of the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset or when the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset is no longer needed.
If you no longer need the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset, delete the K8s TLS secret containing the TLS certificate and key for the Anjuna Nitro Webhook. If you are upgrading, do not delete the K8s TLS secret.
$ kubectl delete secret \ anjuna-nitro-webhook-cert
If you used Helm to deploy the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset, go to the Helm Tear Down subsection below. Otherwise, go to the Manual Tear Down subsection.