Configuring the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes Toolset
In this section you will deploy the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset either by using Helm or by doing so manually. First you will create a TLS certificate.
The Anjuna Nitro Webhook is an HTTPS server and requires a TLS certificate and key.
When you deploy the Anjuna Nitro Webhook, the K8s cluster will validate the TLS certificate used
by the Anjuna Nitro Webhook using a given CA certificate.
Webhook Certificate
Generate a self-signed TLS certificate for the Anjuna Nitro Webhook:
$ bash
Create a K8s TLS secret to store the signed Anjuna Nitro Webhook certificate and key:
$ kubectl create secret tls \ anjuna-nitro-webhook-cert \ --cert=webhook-tls/tls.crt \ --key=webhook-tls/tls.key
Create an environment variable to store a base64-encoded version of the CA certificate:
$ export CA_BUNDLE=$(cat webhook-tls/caBundle.txt)
Determine the version of your Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset and set an environment variable for it:
$ export ANJUNA_VERSION=$(grep appVersion helm-charts/anjuna-tools/Chart.yaml | cut -f2 -dā ā | cut -f2 -d\ā)
Create another environment variable in which to store your Docker registry URL:
$ export DOCKER_REGISTRY=[your Docker registry URL]
Helm Deployment
If you wish to use Helm to deploy the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset, follow the instructions in this section. Otherwise, go to the Manual Deployment section, below.
Create a configuration file for your Helm chart at helm-charts/anjuna-tools/Values.yaml
$ cat <<EOF > helm-charts/anjuna-tools/Values.yaml webhookRepo: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/anjuna-nitro-webhook" launcherRepo: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/anjuna-nitro-launcher" deviceManagerRepo: "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/anjuna-device-manager" caBundle: "${CA_BUNDLE}" EOF
To see all possible Helm chart configurations, see the Configuring and Deploying the Anjuna Kubernetes Toolset section. |
Manual Deployment
Update the Anjuna Nitro Webhook Pod spec file at:
$ export WEBHOOK_IMAGE="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}\/anjuna-nitro-webhook:${ANJUNA_VERSION}" $ export LAUNCHER_IMAGE="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}\/anjuna-nitro-launcher:${ANJUNA_VERSION}" $ export FALLBACK_ENCLAVE_CPU_COUNT=2 $ export FALLBACK_ENCLAVE_MEMORY_MB=2048 $ export SPEC_FILE=helm-charts/anjuna-tools/templates/anjuna-nitro-webhook.yaml $ sed -i \ "s/ image: .*/ image: ${WEBHOOK_IMAGE}/g" \ "${SPEC_FILE}" $ sed -i \ "s/caBundle: .*/caBundle: ${CA_BUNDLE}/g" \ "${SPEC_FILE}" $ sed -i \ "s/launcher-image: .*/launcher-image: ${LAUNCHER_IMAGE}/g" \ "${SPEC_FILE}" $ sed -i \ "s/fallback-enclave-cpu-count: .*/fallback-enclave-cpu-count: ${FALLBACK_ENCLAVE_CPU_COUNT}/g" \ "${SPEC_FILE}" $ sed -i \ "s/fallback-enclave-memory-mb: .*/fallback-enclave-memory-mb: ${FALLBACK_ENCLAVE_MEMORY_MB}/g" \ "${SPEC_FILE}"
Update the Anjuna Nitro Device Manager DaemonSet spec file at:
$ export DEVICE_MANAGER_IMAGE="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}\/anjuna-device-manager:${ANJUNA_VERSION}" $ export SPEC_FILE=helm-charts/anjuna-tools/templates/device-manager-daemonset.yaml $ sed -i \ "s/image: .*/image: ${DEVICE_MANAGER_IMAGE}/g" \ "${SPEC_FILE}"