Anjuna Policy Manager Broker


apmbroker — Start the Anjuna Policy Manager Broker.


    apmbroker -s, --socket-name string


The apmbroker tool (included in the Anjuna SGX Runtime installer) is an extension of the Anjuna SGX Runtime to communicate with the Anjuna Policy Manager.

When the Anjuna SGX Runtime is configured to retrieve encryption keys from the Anjuna Policy Manager, it requires the apmbroker to be running. If the apmbroker is not running, the Anjuna SGX Runtime fails to start if it requires access to the Anjuna Policy Manager.

When the Anjuna SGX Runtime is not configured to connect to the Anjuna Policy Manager, the apmbroker tool is not required.

To start the apmbroker, run the command:

    $ apmbroker

To configure the Anjuna SGX Runtime to connect to the Anjuna Policy Manager, add the following entries to the manifest.template.yaml:

        socket: apm-broker
        url: <server-url>

The socket name used to communicate with the apmbroker can be customized:

    $ apmbroker -s some-name

In this case, the manifest.template.yaml should contain:

        socket: some-name
        url: <server-url>