anjuna-azure-cli disk create

anjuna-azure-cli disk create --docker-uri <name[:tag]> [OPTIONS...]

Creates an Azure-compatible disk image.

Creating an Azure Confidential VM (CVM) requires an Azure-compatible disk image. anjuna-azure-cli disk create creates disk images for Anjuna Confidential Containers running on top of Azure CVMs from a Docker image.

The Docker image can be specified by:

  • a Docker URI to any Docker registry you have access to (Docker Hub, Azure Container Registry, Artifactory Docker Registry, etc.)

  • a local URI (for example hello-world:latest)

When using a Docker Registry, you must handle the authentication to that registry before invoking the anjuna-azure-cli disk create command.

The only required parameter for the anjuna-azure-cli disk create command is --docker-uri. The other parameters are optional and have default values.

After executing the command, a VHD disk image is created. By default, the name of the file is disk.vhd (if not specified by the --disk command-line option).

The disk creation command currently requires root permissions. This can be achieved by running the anjuna-azure-cli disk create command as root or by running the command with sudo. If the command is not run with root permissions, using sudo will be attempted, which may prompt for your user account password, and requires that your user account have sudo access.



anjuna-azure-cli disk create --docker-uri <name[:tag]> [OPTIONS...]


(Required) Name of the Docker image (format: name[:tag])


Path to the VHD disk image to create (default: disk.vhd)


Size of the data disk in bytes (default: 512 MB)


Path to the enclave configuration file

With the configuration file, you can control and templatize parts of the container environment, including configuring communication with the Anjuna Policy Manager. Read more information in the Configuration reference section.


Path to output file for saving the generated measurements, in JSON format


Path to signing key used to sign image (a PEM encoded RSA private key)

Global options

The following options are available for all anjuna-azure-cli subcommands.

Global options

-h, --help

Prints the help information for the command


Prints debug messaging

-v, --version

Prints the anjuna-azure-cli version

Exit status

  • 0 on success

  • 1 on error


To create a disk image from the nginx:latest Docker image:

$ anjuna-azure-cli disk create --docker-uri=nginx:latest

To create a 2GB disk image from the nginx:latest image using the registry:

$ anjuna-azure-cli disk create --disk-size=2GB