Preparing the environment

In this section, you will configure your EKS cluster if it has not already been configured. Then you will prepare the environment for your Docker registry.

Prepare the EKS cluster environment

If your EKS cluster is not configured in your shell environment, use the AWS CLI to configure it:

$ aws eks update-kubeconfig \
      --region [EKS cluster region] \
      --name [EKS cluster name]

Prepare the Docker registry environment

If your Docker registry is not already configured in your shell environment, follow one of the steps below depending on whether your Docker registry is an ECR.

If you’re using an ECR instance as your Docker registry, follow this step:

$ aws ecr get-login-password --region [ECR region] | \
      docker login [ECR name] \
        --username AWS \

Otherwise, follow this step:

$ docker login [Docker registry] \
      --password-stdin \
      --username [Docker registry username]

Prepare the workspace

Create a directory in which to extract the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset:

$ mkdir -p anjuna-tools

Extract the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset into the created directory:

$ tar --directory anjuna-tools \
      --gzip --extract \
      --file anjuna-k8s-toolset.1.42.0001.tar.gz

Change the working directory to the Anjuna Nitro K8s Toolset directory:

$ cd anjuna-tools