Build the Anjuna Policy Manager server
Project directory structure
The following commands create a top level directory for this deployment project named apm-on-gcp
and two additional subdirectories named server
and client
which will contain files for the Docker images:
$ mkdir -p apm-on-gcp/{server,client}
$ cd apm-on-gcp
The resulting directory structure should look like this:
+- client
+- server
Prepare Server Docker image
The Anjuna Policy Manager (APM) Server Docker image will be used
for the APM Server compute instance.
Several steps are required for creating this image,
which are documented in the following sections.
These files should be created in the apm-on-gcp/server
Run the command below from the apm-on-gcp
directory to create a file named
, which is the server startup script.
The environment variables defined in
Set environment variables
will be substituted in the file content.
You may want to verify the content of the file before proceeding.
This file defines a few steps:
Fetch TLS cert and key from GCP Secrets Manager
Set up the Anjuna GCP CLI
Start the server using
(to be defined in the next section)
cat << EOF >server/
# Exit on failure
set -ex
# Access TLS key and cert from Google Cloud Secret Manager and store to files
gcloud secrets versions access latest \
gcloud secrets versions access latest \
source /opt/anjuna/gcp/
anjuna-policy-manager-server server \
-config /opt/anjuna/policy-manager/config.hcl \
2>&1 >&/opt/anjuna/policy-manager/apm.log
Run the command below from the apm-on-gcp
directory to create a file named
which is the APM Server configuration file.
The environment variables defined in
Set environment variables
will be substituted in the file content.
You may want to verify the content of the file before proceeding.
This file configures the behavior of the APM:
Listen on port 8200
Read TLS cert and key from filesystem (which was fetched from Secret Manager by the startup script)
Use Google Cloud Storage as storage backend
Auto-unseal using Google Cloud KMS
cat << EOF >server/config.hcl
api_addr = "https://${APM_SERVER_HOST}:8200"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_cert_file = "/opt/anjuna/policy-manager/tls-cert.pem"
tls_key_file = "/opt/anjuna/policy-manager/tls-key.pem"
storage "gcs" {
bucket = "${APM_SERVER_STORAGE}"
seal "gcpckms" {
project = "${GCP_PROJECT}"
region = "${KMS_LOCATION}"
key_ring = "${KMS_KEYRING}"
crypto_key = "${KMS_KEY}"
Server Dockerfile
Now to put it all together, you will create a Dockerfile to set up the image and then run the startup script.
This Dockerfile expects that the Anjuna CLI installer, anjuna-gcp-installer.release-1.8.0001.bin
, is present in apm-on-gcp/server
If it is not, you can copy it to this directory,
or download it again from the Anjuna Resource Center.
Create a file named apm-on-gcp/server/Dockerfile
with the following content:
# Ubuntu 20.04
FROM ubuntu@sha256:8eb87f3d6c9f2feee114ff0eff93ea9dfd20b294df0a0353bd6a4abf403336fe
# Install Anjuna GCP
COPY anjuna-gcp-installer.release-1.8.0001.bin /tmp/
RUN /bin/bash /tmp/anjuna-gcp-installer.release-1.8.0001.bin --extract
RUN rm /tmp/anjuna-gcp-installer.release-1.8.0001.bin
FROM ubuntu@sha256:8eb87f3d6c9f2feee114ff0eff93ea9dfd20b294df0a0353bd6a4abf403336fe
# Install gcloud-cli
RUN apt update
RUN apt -y install gnupg wget
RUN echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
RUN wget -q -O- | apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ add -
RUN apt update && apt -y install google-cloud-cli=413.0.0-0
# Copy the APM artifacts from the previous stage
COPY --from=0 /opt/anjuna/gcp/ /opt/anjuna/gcp/
COPY --from=0 /opt/anjuna/gcp/bin/anjuna-policy-manager /opt/anjuna/gcp/bin/
COPY --from=0 /opt/anjuna/gcp/bin/anjuna-policy-manager-server /opt/anjuna/gcp/bin/
# Copy APM config file and start script
COPY config.hcl /opt/anjuna/policy-manager/
COPY /opt/anjuna/policy-manager/
RUN chmod +x /opt/anjuna/policy-manager/
CMD /opt/anjuna/policy-manager/
Build Server Docker Image
The APM Server Docker image can now be built with the following command executed
in the apm-on-gcp
$ docker build -t apm-on-gcp-server ./server
Build the Anjuna Confidential Container image
The Anjuna Confidential Container image is created from the Docker server image and uploaded to the cloud
using the Anjuna CLI (anjuna-gcp-cli
Build Server Disk Image
To build the server disk image, run the following command from within the top level
$ anjuna-gcp-cli disk create --disk server-disk.raw --docker-uri apm-on-gcp-server
Create a Custom Image
To upload the server disk image to GCP and create a custom image,
run the following command from within the top level apm-on-gcp
$ anjuna-gcp-cli disk upload \
--disk server-disk.raw \
--bucket "${APM_SERVER_BUCKET}" \
--image "${APM_SERVER_IMAGE}" \
--project "${GCP_PROJECT}"