Importing the Anjuna Docker images to AWS ECR
In the previous section, you created an AWS EKS cluster. The preferred way to specify the docker images that should be loaded in the AWS cluster, you will use ECR (or Amazon Elastic Container Registry).
In this section, we will upload the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes tools to AWS ECR so that the EKS cluster can use those tools.
First, go to the root of your working directory (if you just completed the “Creating a AWS EKS cluster” section).
$ cd ..
Run the following command to import the Anjuna docker images into your local docker instance:
$ ./ --import-images ${ANJUNA_VERSION}
Confirm that the docker images were correctly imported by running the following command:
$ docker images
which should show the following images:
docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE anjuna-nitro-webhook 1.13.0002 dbfaa3fb38b5 2 hours ago 85.5MB anjuna-nitro-launcher 1.13.0002 62b682bd707a 2 hours ago 832MB
You can now add these docker images to ECR, but before pushing these images to ECR, you need to authenticate with ECR:
$ AWS_ACTID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r ".Account") $ aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS \ --password-stdin ${AWS_ACTID}.dkr.ecr.${EKS_REGION}
You can now push the images to ECR:
$ ./ --push-images-ecr ${PROJECT_NAME} ${ANJUNA_VERSION}
This command will automatically create the ECR repositories for the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes containers (anjuna-nitro-webhook and anjuna-nitro-webhook).
Congratulations! Now that the Anjuna Nitro Kubernetes containers have been pushed to AWS ECR, your AWS EKS cluster can be configured to deploy those containers, which are responsible for automatically identifying and and configuring pods that are supposed to run in a Nitro Enclave.