Deploy a custom Anjuna Confidential Pod

To deploy your custom application as an Anjuna Confidential Pod, create a Kubernetes Pod specification:

The .spec.image field of the Pod (or .spec.template.spec.image of a Deployment) must match the container image you provided via --docker-uri when building the Anjuna Confidential Pod image. You must always specify the fully-qualified container image reference, i.e., including the registry, the repository, and a tag, as in <registry>/<repository>:<tag>.

Note that the cluster must have access to your container image as well.

Create an image pull secret

If the container image (${CONTAINER_IMAGE}) built on the previous page was pushed to a private registry, you must create an image pull secret so that Kubernetes can pull it when deploying your Anjuna Confidential Pod.

For example, to create an image pull secret for the Azure Container Registry provisioned by Terraform, run:

$ export ACR_TOKEN_NAME="acr-token-${RANDOM}"
$ export ACR_TOKEN=$(az acr token create -n ${ACR_TOKEN_NAME} \
  --repository env content/read \
  | jq -r '.credentials.passwords[] | select(.name == "password1") | .value')
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry anjuna-kubernetes-env \
  --docker-server ${AZURE_REGISTRY_NAME} \
  --docker-username ${ACR_TOKEN_NAME} \
  --docker-password ${ACR_TOKEN}

Once the secret is created, reference it in the field imagePullSecrets of your Pod specification.

cat << EOF > env.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: env
    app: env
    # reference the Anjuna Confidential Pod image ID
    io.anjuna.sev.image: "${AZURE_IMAGE_ID}"
  # use the Anjuna Custom Container Runtime
  # to run this Pod as a Confidential VM
  runtimeClassName: anjuna-remote
  - name: anjuna-kubernetes-env
  - name: env
    image: "${CONTAINER_IMAGE}:latest"
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    - name: LOG_LEVEL
      value: "debug"
    - name: DB_USERNAME
      value: "root"
    - name: DB_PASSWORD
      value: "p4$$w0rd"

This Anjuna Confidential Pod specification sets three environment variables in lines 21-27:

  • LOG_LEVEL=debug

  • DB_USERNAME=root

  • DB_PASSWORD=p4$$w0rd

But only LOG_LEVEL will be applied to the Anjuna Confidential Pod, as it was explicitly allowed by the enclave configuration file. The other environment variables defined in the Pod specification will be ignored. Refer to Untrusted configuration to learn more about how to set environment variables, and how to allow environment variables and volume mounts from the Pod specification.

Refer to the Troubleshooting section to see the log message that notifies you when these environment variables have been ignored.

Since DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD are secret credentials, you may not want to store them as plaintext in your Kubernetes manifest.

Instead, you can configure your Anjuna Confidential Pod to fetch secrets from an Anjuna Policy Manager (APM) instance. Secrets will be provided to your application only after its measurements are verified by the APM through a remote attestation process.

Refer to the Anjuna Policy Manager documentation to see how to configure an APM integration for your Anjuna Confidential Pod.

Start the application Pod

To start the Anjuna Confidential Pod, run the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f env.yaml

This will apply the Pod spec to the cluster, which will in turn launch a new Anjuna Confidential Pod for the custom application.

Use the following command to check the status of your Pod:

$ kubectl get pod env

When the Pod status is Running, run the following commands to see the logs of the application:

$ kubectl logs env

You should see an output similar to the following:


Note that:

  • LOG_LEVEL is set to "debug", as defined in the Pod specification (and allowed by the enclave configuration file).

  • DB_USERNAME is set to user, which is the value defined in the enclave configuration file. The value set in the Pod specification (root) was ignored because DB_USERNAME was not explicitly allowed by the enclave’s untrustedConfig configuration.

  • DB_PASSWORD is not set, as it is only defined in the Pod specification, but not explicitly allowed by the enclave’s untrustedConfig configuration.

Stop the application Pod

To stop and delete the Anjuna Confidential Pod, run the following command:

$ kubectl delete -f env.yaml

The Confidential VM that was created to run this Anjuna Confidential Pod will also be deleted in Azure.